Once I was a beggar only. Read last post.
One day I learned that to be a Giver is a better choice.
I learned that God loves a cheerful giver.
Step by step I learned how to make small sacrifices a habit.
I started giving twenty five cents to the poor who asked me for some change.
It was hard for me, a beggar. But with practice I started giving away a dollar to the poor.
After some time I gave away more and more of my money.
Until one day my Master asked me, “Do you want to be perfect?”
I answered, “Yes, my Lord!”
He suggested, “Go, sell everything and give it to the poor of this world.”
I did. Are you a beggar or a Giver? Let us be like God. He is a Generous Giver.
Jesus gave His life to purchase our Salvation. It is a good example of the GIVER to follow.