There are three basic types of suffering:
1. We bring on ourselves. We eat wrong food. We are lazy. Result: our body will suffer.
Responses we do, wrong words we say, bad decisions and so on. Our poor judgement make us suffer.
2. Innocent. By no fault of ours we are hurt by someone else. You may be scammed, ripped off, molested,
cheated, betrayed… sorry. God can use it for good too.
3. Redemptive. When you choose to put up with pain in order to help other people.
This form of suffering is the highest one. You go through suffering, like Jesus, to bless others.
We all will have pain in life. Let use it to help others and not to waste it.
Use the things that you are ashamed of, hurt you the most, problems in your life
in order to help others who are going through those same things.
If you do this God will bless you in ways you can not even imagine.
St. Paul went through enormous pain. That is why God blessed him and used him in enormous ways.
Why did he never give up? He may answer, ‘I am using my pain to help others, to bring them to Christ, to life.’
Let us serve others in good days and bad days using our pain.