There is a Wise Principle in the Bible and the will of God for you to live a good life.
The Principle of CONTENTMENT.
Paul says in Philippians 4:11-12
“I have learned in whatever situation I am, to be CONTENT…
I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.”
And in 1 Timothy 6:6
“Now there is great gain in godliness with CONTENTMENT”
It is a lesson for us,
if we want to live a better life, we need to learn how to ENJOY NOW what we have.
And get out of the trap of “WHEN and THEN”:
“WHEN that happens THEN I will be happy.
WHEN I get a boyfriend/girlfriend THEN I will be happy.
WHEN I get kids THEN I will be happy.
WHEN I have more money THEN I will be happy.
WHEN I get married again THEN I will be happy.
WHEN I get that job THEN I will be happy” and it goes on and on.
Are you living this vicious cycle? How do you feel?
I promise you, (from my own experience, for I have been there)
that if you put some effort and learn to be CONTENT you will live a happy life.
For you are as happy/CONTENT as you choose to be.
It is a matter of changing your perspective
(it is a spiritual discipline and the will of God).
I wish you live a better life and there is only one way to do it, by following God’s Principles.
I am talking from my own experience.
Great effort brings Great reward, little effort – little reward, no effort – no reward.
Happiness/ CONTENTMENT has nothing to do with your circumstances.
It has everything to do with your ATTITUDE toward the situation.
I can show you two people living in exactly the same circumstances,
next to each other, one is happy/ CONTENT and another is miserable.
Choose right. Choose to Enjoy Now, to be happy, to be CONTENT.
I choose to live happy life /to be CONTENT/, not miserable one.
I leave “WHEN and THEN” SIN behind.
And you?