
is said many times in the Bible.

Why does God insist that we should learn to Rejoice?

And if we understand the language of the Bible we know that it is a Commandment not just a suggestion.

In Philippians 4:4 it says,

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

It means, we have to Rejoice even in our afflictions or in sorrows.

I think it is all about trust. God asks us, Will you rejoice in the middle of troubles

believing that I am on your side and I will turn all painful situations into good for you?

And in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 it says,

Rejoice always.., for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Now we see that it is the will of God that we learn how to keep Joy and follow His commandment of Love.

By being joyful even in hard circumstances.

I did not know how to keep joy in my heart longer than for a couple of days.

But when the Lord said to me to Rejoice I started studying the Scripture and heroes of faith.

It took me some time to learn and then with the help of the holy Spirit the fruit of Joy came into my heart.

And from that time, a couple of years already, the Joy never leaves me.

Let us learn to


We always have the opportunity to go around frustrated,someone is rude to us, traffic is bad,

we can not find car keys, medical report is not good,we lost a job.

Life is full of inconveniences, people do not do right,delays, disappointments.

We never will stop these things from happening.

The secret is in how we handle them.

The Bible says that no man can take your joy. It means you control your joy.

Nothing can take it from you. You have to give it away.

Next time when delay, negative comment, rude driver will come on your way,

ask yourself, “Is it worth to give them my joy?”

Will you allow that event to make your day sad?

The reason some people are not happy because they constantly are giving away their joy.

We can not control what people do or say but we can control how we respond.

I have learned this simple truth: Quit letting people upset you, quit giving away your joy;

quit letting the delay, the things that did not work out to frustrate you.

You can not pray these things away.

I do not want to be negative but that bad person in the office or in your family may never change.

My challenge is, do not give them your joy. They may not change, but you can change.

Life is too short to live frustrated, upset over things we have no control.

People have the right for their opinion. You have the right to ignore it.

They have the right to be rude. You have the right to stay happy.

I have learned that my job is not to change people who distract me from my calling.

My job is to learn how to fulfill my destiny by keeping Commandments of God.

And one of them is to Rejoice.

The Bible stories shows us how holy people handled the difficult circumstances.

Joseph was betrayed by his brothers but he kept thanking God and God delivered Him.

Joseph became the second powerful man in Egypt.

Another story is about king David. He was persecuted by king Saul but he did not give up on God.

And God made Him the one of Greatest King.

Here is the key to keep rejoicing I have learned. When the problem comes into my life, like the cancer I had,

I focus on the Goodness of the Lord, I trust He will deliver me and He will fight for me as He promised in the Bible.

That way I use the gift and the Power of God’s Spirit which is in me.

And I found out that when I believe Jesus with all my heart He helps me to overcome the problem and be Joyful at all times.

When you stay in peace and will not react to negative comments by saying what you think,

I assure you that God will defend you better then you ever could have done.

You have the Power to stay calm in adversity. Nothing should upset you because it is a learned behavior if things upset you.

Next time when something upset you, pause for a moment and say, “Jesus help me to stay calm.”

You have to relearn spiritual discipline and to use the gift of self-control.Change your approach.

Stay calm and let God fight your battles: bad medical report, criticism, rude people.

When you let people or situations upset you, you are giving away your power, you are letting them control you.

If they push this button – you get offended, that button – you get upset, another button and they bait you into the conflict.

Life is so much freer when you are not controlled by what people say or what circumstances you are in. Turn off your buttons.

Stay cool even in the worst situations. Just smile, ask God for help, trust, wish well to the offender and move on.

The longer I live the more I realize how valuable each day is. We will not be here for long.

Imagine that you have only one month left to live. Many things probably would not matter anymore.

May I tell you that our time on earth is limited?

We would be happy to be in a traffic. We have another day to enjoy life.

Some people say, Oh, On Sunday I have to go to church again.

But I say, I Rejoice going to church for God is so good to me.

Keep the right perspective. If you pass the test and be happy where you are, God will open new doors.

It dishonors God to go through the day upset, bitter, frustrated.

God gave you breath to be here. He could choose to give it to someone else.

One way to honor God is to be Joyful, Happy, Grateful.

If you stay calm and Joyful in spite of the difficulties, God is saying,

“Salvation is coming, I will deliver you.”Healing is coming, victory is coming.

I ask you to keep your Joy. Life will throw in some disappointments, frustrations.

That is the time when we should say, “Yet, I will Rejoice in the Lord.”

We need to make the decision in the morning.

We should say in the morning, “I will rejoice in the Lord no matter what happen.”

And remind ourselves of the goodness of the Lord.

If you do this I believe and declare you will rise higher, live happier, you will reach the fullness of your destiny.

Let us